
instagram clone for @modgethanc

(this is still a rough wip, don't take it too seriously)

two months of healing and we're back at it, slowly
i mean it. snow.

but this is where I try not to miss daybreak
still asleep
always seek light

don't fear the skies
gear testing today

look at these sweet shelves @thecaputilator built
winter cuticles
i still have this thing from my adolescence, during which i wore it unironically

hand therapy with mutant goo
that rock from the other side
Tucson, back in late December

spider bro wants to go to rainier
ice on the inside.
sunrise, daytona beach

unintentional whale says hello
ice grows on the inside of the kitchen window.
it's hard to leave the windowside while the snow is building up.

it's winter
the radio is playing hanson. nothing else could be appropriate.
see you later space cowboy

the last smidge of open sky.
lake effect. aborting the drive and going home. that sure was a six hour romp through nothing.