
instagram clone for @modgethanc

(this is still a rough wip, don't take it too seriously)

questions for the sky
clear tarmac, away we go
we'll be stubborn and drive through

I love moving equipment worth more than I am.
hot tips: rule 1: do not touch your front brake. rule 2: keep your heels down. rule 3: scream like a baby when a student driver swerves around you.
I really should find my goggles before i go biking

that's more like it
you don't ever need to be afraid of the sky, friends
come on, pittsburgh, you can make more snow than this.

sure is snow
sounds of static can't clear my head somedays i miss winter going to be winter soon

cold rainy morning of "fuck i am going to have a shitty commute"
salad remnants

can't escape the fucking hipster shit
don't ever give up on your crop

okay that is a little chilly for the bedroom
in a parking garage by the bike lockups downtown

first routes
my stubbornness to keep old laptops running forever.

happy november.
hello little guy
the corvid swarm over homewood cemetery every fall is one of my favorite things about pittsburgh